Archives mensuelles : mars 2009

Is Obama a son of Neptune?

Barack OBAMA (born August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM in Honolulu HI, USA) is more known (apart from being black and president) for his Leo sign, his strong Uranus (conjunct North Node) responding to Aquarius rising and the fresh touch of his Moon in Gemini; yet, just a look at his map and you can’t miss Neptune at the top (contacting Pluto, the Sun and Chiron).

After a decade under Uranus frequency (Uranus in Aquarius, the boost of Internet, the mutual reception with Neptune ever since…), interest can arise about this world political leader « touched » that way by the ray of Neptune.

The planet, whose connections with music, religion, global care and illusions are well known, suffers from greeny suspicions as being attached to possibilities of scandal (we saw the show around the Madoff affair, the whole thing has a Neptune’s touch) or also of misleading.

(The square between Sun and Neptune conveys a potential risk.)

Anyway, that’s not our angle, on the opposite, we’ll talk about the return of Neptune, the need for global solutions, solutions guided by inspiration (otherwise, it won’t work!)

Obama's Map

Obama's Map

From France, and in great need for fresh air, the culminating Neptune on the USA black president’s map appears full of charm.

According with the planet’s characteristics, it matches perfectly with most of the important issues (Climate, social care (yes, I’m French), oil, and global integration…).


The face of Barack Obama  is not so much « signed » by Neptune, so far…

(As a French Gypsy astrologer, who came to astrology after summers of chiromancy, I’m specialized with the relations between faces and planets.)

The map shows an emphasized sector XII with Jupiter and Saturn, which could anchor Neptune (the match between dominant factors on the map and planets’ forms you may catch on face is frequent), but the combination Leo Gemini looks stronger.

On a portrait, younger (below), it is easier to catch a glimpse of Neptune:

Obama, Oahuan, 79

Obama, Oahuan, 79

Considering the rotation of the ruling planets, across life and aging, Neptune might declare in a more prominent way in years to come, and possibly stick with the main positions as well as with the style of the president.

The approaching Opposition of Neptune (transiting  Aquarius, Ascendant) to Uranus and North Node on Obama’s Map, could coincide with the wave…

Neptune’s coming.

Obama, profile

Obama, profile

By the way, this Neptune Scorpio – high in the sky- shines like a freedom flag after a history of slavery.


The not yet famous Neptune's "Peanut" head

The not yet famous Neptune's "Peanut" head

Le Zodiaque en Légo


Où les Plus font les Moins

Le signe d’après a toujours de l’avance et présente avec facilité des solutions au problème du signe précédent.

La Balance, après la Vierge, établit sa croisière assez tôt à la différence de la Vierge qui ne s’émancipe, d’elle-même, qu’autour de la quarantaine.

La Balance devra désaligner les plaques de son système bien huilé… ce ne sera pas facile (mais libérateur), à la différence du Scorpion pour qui ce n’est qu’une respiration de plus, une expiration naturelle: mettre fin à une « forme » pour s’impliquer dans une autre.

Le Sagittaire dépassera les frontières et autres limites, il survolera les « territoires sacrés », parfois sans vraiment tout ressentir, obtenant au passage la vision d’ensemble nécessaire à ses plans.

Des plans qu’érige et fonde le Capricorne, moins mobile mais tenace et réalisateur… le Verseau verra plus loin que l’hiver… les Poissons n’oublieront rien sinon eux-mêmes… et le Bélier recommence à zéro, sans mémoire (libre et con), les bosses en guise d’antennes…